
Opening the Door (or Window) to Performance Possibilities

While paying close attention to the shape and volume of your new high-performance home, it's also important to pay attention to the holes you punch through its shell. The openings in a home are yet another chance for air to escape or enter. On a clear spring day you want your open windows to bring in fresh air, but on a cold winter day you want as little heat as possible to escape your cozy home. Even the best window is not as energy efficient as the minimum standard wall. Windows and doors are the primary source of both heat loss and gain in a home.

Healthy | Filtered Fresh Air, 24 Hours A Day

The term “air quality” often conjures up images of smog-filled cities, but it is actually the air in your home that presents the greatest risk to your health. Let’s explore some of the most common obstacles to breathing clean air when indoors and how building a green home can help you overcome them.