November 13, 2023

Welcoming Jessica Richards: The Newest Member of the BrightBuilt Team

November 13, 2023

Welcoming Jessica Richards: The Newest Member of the BrightBuilt Team

Welcoming Jessica Richards: The Newest Member of the BrightBuilt Team

We are excited to welcome a new member to our BrightBuilt Home team of designers and high-performance fanatics. Meet Jessica, a marketing and operations professional, as well as an accomplished musician and sound engineer with a passion for the planet! As a way to get to know her better, and to introduce her to our BrightBuilt family, we thought we’d ask Jessica some of our signature pointed questions.

Tell us a little about yourself! Where are you from, where have you been, and how did you get here?

I consider myself a citizen of the world! I grew up in Paris, France but spent more than half of my life abroad. I lived in Shanghai, China for 13 years before migrating to Portland with my husband and son in 2015.

What captivates me the most about Maine is its light; there is something quite magical about the way the sun shines through the trees and reflects on the lakes and the ocean. There is nowhere else I would rather be and I am very grateful to call Portland my home.

Why is Net Zero building important to you?

I feel deeply connected to the Earth, and the aggravation of global warming affects me profoundly. However, it also drives me to be part of the solution by devoting my life to sustainability.

To pursue sustainability we have to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present but most importantly future generations. Building NetZero homes is creating and maintaining these conditions. Furthermore, growing awareness of it, making sustainability a priority and Net-Zero building accessible to all will help reduce our impact on our planet, which is of the most importance to me. 

If given the option, which BrightBuilt design would you build and move into tomorrow?

I am drawn to minimalism, modernism, simplicity and practicality, hence my crush for the Frenchboro! Its comfortability, spacious-feeling home on a single floor, with modern lines and a twist of “Frenchness” would definitely make the Frenchboro my perfect forever home.

If the BrightBuilt Home team were to become stranded on a remote island, what role would you take on to ensure everyone’s survival?

My family and friends always say that I live in the “State of Pumped,” and my husband even jokes about me writing a book about it, ha! My mantra is to always find positivity in challenging moments, no matter how hard they are… so I guess I would be the person who would pump the group up in difficult times and try keeping everybody in good spirit. I would also probably be writing songs about our adventures and serenade them around the fire at night!

A new sitcom about the daily antics of the BrightBuilt team has been picked up by all of the major networks. Who is cast as you?

I will go with Maya Rudolph. I think we both share a very high level of silliness!

You have figured out how to place a BrightBuilt home anywhere; not just in terms of geographic location, but rather, on, under, over, inside, on top of, or beside anything. Where is the first place you set one?

The Shire!

And most importantly: What fashion trend did you use to rock that you now wish you could delete from your past?

Ha! Definitely my low rise super skinny flare jeans; so uncomfortable!